Makzan / I share what I learned

Link: (Webkit) More Responsive Tapping on iOS

Webkit has disabled click delay on non-scalable web page in its nightly build 2 months ago. And here is an update with mention of the touch-action CSS property.

Link: (Webkit) More Responsive Tapping on iOS

Putting touch-action: manipulation; on a clickable element makes WebKit consider touches that begin on the element only for the purposes of panning and pinching to zoom. This means WebKit does not consider double-tap gestures on the element, so single taps are dispatched immediately. Single taps on an element become fast when any of the element’s ancestors have the touch-action: manipulation. Note that putting touch-action: manipulation on any node opts all children of the node into the fast-tap optimization.


Published on 2015-12-23 by Makzan. More articles like this:
- Clip & Quote
- Web Technologies

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