Makzan / I share what I learned


Currently I’m working on two books and online courses: Web Visual Effects with CSS3 and Mobile First Web Design.

Weekly Newsletter

I write every week with links worth sharing about web technologies and accessibility.

Makzan’s newsletter web page

My online teaching platform.

Beginning Git Version Control

Book cover of Beginning Git Version Control

In this book, we will go through the basic concept of Git version control.

For example, I recommend `git fetch` + `git merge` always instead of `git pull`. You’ll learn all these commands in elsewhere, but in this book, I tell the why and their pros and cons.

HTML5 Game Development Hotshot

Book: HTML5 Game Development Hotshot

You learn to create 8 HTML games by combining different web standard technologies. The book is project-based style and you will have 8 games ready for you to modify and publish them.

HTML5 Game Development by Example: Beginner’s Guide

Book: HTML5 Game Development by Example: Beginner’s Guide - Second Edition

You learn to create several HTML5 games from scratch. This book is very easy to follow with step-by-step tutorial style. By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge, skills, and level of understanding you need to efficiently develop games over the network using HTML5.