Posts in Personal category. List all categories or all posts.
- My productivity tools in the first half of 2020 2020-07-01
- Migrating from Wordpress to Eleventy and Netlify 2020-05-27
- My digital organizing system 2020-02-08
- My 2010s Review 2019-12-31
- Makzan’s Weekly Dispatch 2019w7: Moving into new apartment 2019-02-20
- Weekly Dispatch 2019w1 — Tunneling for 6 months 2019-01-06
- Closing of WorldSkills 2017. 2017-10-19
- A rear fingerprint sensor may trigger accidental purchases. 2017-07-12
- The similarity of Medium and YouTube 2017-07-11
- My thought on Freewrite 2017-05-06
- 2017 software for my productivity day 2017-04-08
- /now 2016-02-07
- Link: Your Life Is Tetris. Stop Playing It Like Chess. 2016-02-05
- 50% Off for HTML5 Game Development Video 2016-02-05
- Introducing—A logger for everything flash in your mind 2016-01-14
- Choosing a minimal theme 2016-01-10
- Writing script for the next video course 2016-01-05
- Happy 2016 2016-01-01
- I’m using Basecamp for almost everything 2015-12-30
- Quote—On the side of the majority 2015-10-09
- Minimal Desktop 2015-10-05
- Minimal Homescreen 2015-10-04
- Probabilities for years left to live 2015-09-30
- New books bought from ChengDu 2015-09-23
- My visual log book 2015-09-23
- archive 2015-09-20
- New life 2015-09-08
- Guide to migrate OhLife entries to DayOne 2014-09-05
- Story of Makzan 2014-09-01
- My thought about death 2014-07-01
- Sharing of my career path 2014-05-25
- I bought you, Moleskine 2012-10-22